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Unofficial Client Competition / submissions / Boykisser Client
Yes i called the client "Boykisser Client"! I don't have more time to work on it that's why i am posting it now!


  • Toggle Sprint
  • Item Physics
  • TNT Timer
  • CPS Counter
  • FPS Counter
  • Keystrokes
  • Memory Display
  • Ping Display
  • Reach Display
  • Ip Display (The class is called ServerDisplay)
  • Time Display ## Used libs:
  • Slick
  • Gson ## Used code snippets:
  • @Shoroa rounded rectangle stuff (the shader and the gl stuff but modified) ## Info:
  • 63 classes
  • 4725 lines (3573 lines of code) ## Links:
  • Github
  • Installer Tested on Windows 11 x64
Contribute to CuteNyami/BoykisserClient development by creating an account on GitHub.
mango_cool 3
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